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Musical lessons at the Musicaltuin

We started our musical lessons last September, but your child can participate in a free trial lesson at any time during the year. 


Feel free to join us!

Utrecht | Leidsche Rijn - vrijdagmiddag

15:00-16:00 uur - Groep 1/2

16:00-17:00 uur - Groep 3/4 

17:00-18:30 uur - Groep 5/6

17:00-18:30 uur - Groep 7/8

Amsterdam | IJburg - woensdagmiddag

14:00-15:00 uur - Groep 1/2

15:00-16:00 uur - Groep 1/2

16:00-17:00 uur - Groep 3/4 

Who are our lessons for? 

Our classes are (still) for all children from 4 to 7 years old who love to dance, sing and act and are in group 1, 2, 3, or 4. So does your child sing all day long? Does he or she dance as if they are on a big stage every day? Or could your child use a creative or self-confidence boost? Then sign up your child for a free trial lesson and participate without obligation. 

Musicalles Leidsche Rijn

Group 1/2

This class is for 4 and 5 year olds. Group 1/2 gets 60 minutes on

Wednesday afternoons from 3 pm to 4 pm. 

Musicalles Leidsche Rijn

Group 3/4

In group 3/4 are children of 6 and 7 years old. They get 60 minutes of class on

Wednesday afternoons from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.


Groep 5/6

In groep 5/6 zitten kinderen van 8 en 9 jaar oud. Op dit moment alleen in Utrecht.

What is musical lessons?

Musical lessons consist of three disciplines: singing, dancing and acting. All three of these are offered in the lesson, tailored to the age category. Where in group ½ the three disciplines are still combined and offered in a creative and playful way, the three disciplines in group ¾ are already somewhat more separated. 

Musicalles Leidsche Rijn
Musicalles Leidsche Rijn


We learn different songs during the lessons. Both real musical songs (Annie/Matilda/...) and songs from Children for Children will be played. Songs that match the age category and that may also be played gray at home. The songs will be sent to the parent, so the kids can continue to sing at home.


Miss Dewy's first passion has always been dancing. In the lessons, children learn to become aware of both their own limbs and the space around them. 

We also believe that you cannot start exercising early enough. 

Then why not in such a playful and creative way as dancing?

activiteiten ijburg
activiteiten ijburg


Get ready for the Oscars! 

The imagination of the children is greatly stimulated. They learn to be creative, to think out-of-the-box, and they become more vocal during the musical lessons. 

With small scenes, but especially fun games, we motivate social behavior, and friendship into the bargain!


Where are the musical lessons given?

The Musical lessons are given in the cozy Vrijburchttheater on IJburg. Below the theater is a cafe where we will gather every lesson and then go upstairs together. The first time, the parents are allowed to attend the lesson, and the next time they can see the last 10 minutes of the lesson. In this way the parents also stay informed about what we do. 

When is the musical lesson given?

The musical lessons are given on Wednesday afternoons, outside the school holidays. 

By clicking on the button below, you open the annual schedule which shows that our season will start on September 7 and we will close with a nice final presentation. 

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